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Assemblymember Connolly Passes Eleven Bills to Governor’s Desk

Completing his second year representing Marin and Sonoma counties in the California State Assembly, Connolly successfully passes robust bill package.

For immediate release:

SACRAMENTO, CA – Assemblymember Damon Connolly (D-San Rafael) has passed eleven bills successfully through the State Legislature. These bills are now being considered by the Governor, who has thirty days to sign or veto each measure. One of Assemblymember Connolly’s bills, AB 1790, has already been signed into law!

“I am extremely proud of this legislative package that tackles local and statewide issues like environmental protection, improving student health, lowering insurance costs, and more,” said Assemblymember Connolly.  “Each of my bills this legislative session reflect the passion and advocacy in the North Bay, and target the critical issues that matter deeply to the communities of Marin and Sonoma.”

The following bills authored by Assemblymember Connolly have passed both houses in the State Legislature. The Governor will now consider signing these measures into law:

  1. AB 99: Requires CalTrans to respect local decisions restricting or banning the roadside spraying of dangerous pesticides.
  2. AB 828: Protects endangered wetlands and access to clean drinking water.
  3. AB 1778: Authorizes a pilot program in Marin County prohibiting kids under sixteen years of age from riding a class 2 e-bike and requiring helmet use.
  4. AB 1790: Requires the California State University system to strengthen protections against sexual harassment and update their policies on sexual harassment complaints and allegations. This bill has been signed into law by the Governor. 
  5. AB 1864: Strengthens the regulations for pesticide use near schools.
  6. AB 2143: Cleans up and consolidates code sections related to the state fairgrounds to make California law easier to access for the public and fairground operators.
  7. AB 2196: Makes the beaver restoration program permanent in California statute, ensuring non-lethal relocations and coexistence efforts with the North American beaver continue.
  8. AB 2251: Authorizes school districts to exempt high school students with absences related to their mental or physical health from additional graduation requirements to prevent penalization of struggling students.
  9. AB 2734: Expands the Healthy Soils Program to include grants for on-farm demonstration projects and funds for technical assistance providers to support farmers and ranchers in applying for grants and implementing funded projects.
  10. AB 2897: Expands the definition of a community land trust in state law to include non-residential purposes, so that a community land trust can effectively adapt to the needs of its community and serve as a garden, nonprofit office space, small business retail, or provide other vital community services.
  11. AB 2968: Ensures that schools in “high” or “very high” fire hazard severity zones have wildfire evacuation plans in their comprehensive school safety plans.


Assemblymember Connolly represents the entirety of Marin County and Southern Sonoma County