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Five More Connolly Bills Signed into Law

Five more of Assemblymember Connolly’s bills have been signed by the Governor into California law.

For immediate release:

SACRAMENTO, CA – Yesterday, another five bills by Assemblymember Damon Connolly (D-San Rafael) were signed into law by the Governor. These bills will join Assembly Bill (AB) 1790, which was signed in July, and will go into effect on January 1, 2025. 

“I am glad to see this important legislation cross the finish line, and I am extremely thankful to our wonderful sponsors,” said Assemblymember Connolly. “Each of these bills aim to target unique needs and address critical issues that matter to the communities of Marin and Sonoma, and reflect the engagement and advocacy in the North Bay and beyond.” 

Yesterday, the California Governor signed the following five bills by Assemblymember Connolly into law:

  1. AB 1864: Children attending public schools and daycares in California are supposed to be protected by a regulation that restricts the most drift-prone agricultural pesticide applications during the school day, but this regulation is often unenforceable. AB 1864 improves the regulation and extends these protections to students, teachers, and staff in private schools.
  2. AB 2143: This bill moves code sections dealing with fairs to the Food and Agriculture section to improve clarity.
  3. AB 2251: Students struggling with their mental or physical health should be afforded a manageable pathway to graduate high school with their peers. AB 2251 allows students who suffer from mental or physical illnesses that require them to miss substantial amounts of school to graduate on time by exempting these students from additional graduation requirements beyond those required by the state.
  4. AB 2897: This bill updates the definition of a Community Land Trust to reflect its full range of purposes, allowing them to serve communities through stewardship and resources beyond housing. The Community Land Trust model is designed to have flexibility in providing community resources such as housing, a garden, office space, or shopping. This bill gives Community Land Trusts the flexibility they need to best serve their community. AB 2897 is sponsored by the California Community Land Trust Network.
  5. AB 2968: This bill ensures that schools in “high” or “very high” fire hazard severity zones have wildfire evacuation plans in their comprehensive school safety plans. This was our “Ought to be a Law” contest winner!


Assemblymember Connolly represents the entirety of Marin County and Southern Sonoma County