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Connolly Introduces Bill Package to Strengthen Protections for Mobilehome Residents

AB 456 will clarify timelines and requirements for mobilehome owners when selling their homes, and AB 806 will allow cooling devices and require cooling centers within mobilehome parks.

For immediate release:

SACRAMENTO, CA – Assemblymember Damon Connolly (D-San Rafael) introduced a legislative package including Assembly Bill (AB) 456 and AB 806, which will improve the lives of mobilehome residents and make it easier for residents to sell their mobilehomes in a timely manner. This package builds upon years of work by Assemblymember Connolly to ensure that mobilehome park residents are being afforded transparency and treated fairly. 

“Mobilehome parks are a key source of affordable housing in our communities, and residents deserve a safe avenue to buy, sell, and live comfortably,” said Assemblymember Connolly. “No resident should face unsafe living conditions or duplicitous practices when residing in a mobilehome park or selling their home.”

“Interference with the right to sell your home is not legal anywhere in California…except in a mobilehome park,” said Anne Anderson, President of the Golden State Manufactured-home Owners League (GSMOL). “You can and should give us equal protection under the law.”

AB 456 would prohibit mobilehome park management from requiring onerous repairs or improvements to the interior of the mobilehome, requiring preapproval of the repairs or improvement, or requiring a homeowner to obtain or provide an inspection of any portion of the interior of the mobilehome before selling. The bill would require the management to provide a homeowner with a written summary of repairs or improvements to the exterior of the mobilehome, no later than fifteen days following receipt of a request. 

"Legal Aid of Sonoma County commends Assemblymember Connolly's Office for championing mobilehome residents' rights to safety and dignity,” said Kendal Jarvis, Lead Disaster Relief Attorney, and Sunny Noh, Executive Director, of Legal Aid of Sonoma County. “With the disproportionate climate-related harms experienced by our most vulnerable neighbors, including our aging population, AB 806 goes a long way towards protecting our mobilehome residents and communities from the next inevitable extreme heat event." 

AB 806 would allow mobilehome park residents to install cooling devices in their homes, and require cooling centers to be established within mobilehome parks. This legislation will assist vulnerable residents, including seniors, and ensure that mobilehome park residents are afforded an avenue to stay healthy and safe during heat events.


Assemblymember Connolly represents the entirety of Marin County and Southern Sonoma County