Assemblymember Connolly Introduces Bill to Protect Home Insurance for Seniors
AB 478 prohibits insurance companies from dropping coverage in wildfire-prone areas and prevents huge rate increases
SACRAMENTO, CA – Today, Assemblymember Damon Connolly (D-San Rafael) introduced Assembly Bill (AB) 478, which protects adults 65 years-of-age and older from losing their home insurance policy due to increasing risks of wildfires. AB 478 prevents home insurance providers from cancelling or refusing to renew an insurance policy for seniors based solely on the fact that the homeowners live in a high or very high fire hazard severity zone. The bill also puts a 25% cap on the amount an insurance company can increase a senior homeowner’s policy in a high or very high fire hazard severity zone and only allows one premium hike every five years.
Energy Costs -- What's Going On
Over the past month, households in the North Bay, including mine, got slammed with unexpectedly high energy bills. As your State Assemblymember and a newly appointed member of the Assembly Utilities and Energy Committee, I wanted to share the latest updates on the situation and ensure you received information about incoming utility bill credits and hearings that will investigate and provide oversight on utility companies. I hope the information and links below are helpful.
Transformational Organic Farming Bill Package Announced by Connolly
SACRAMENTO, CA – Today, Assemblymember Damon Connolly (D-San Rafael) introduced an organic farming package, which includes three bills that will substantially reduce barriers and obstacles faced by organic farms and farmers. AB 404 [Reporting Requirements for Organic Farmers] would require the California Department of Food and Agriculture to evaluate duplicative reporting requirements that unnecessarily burden organic farmers and streamline the pathway for these farms to gain official certification. AB 405 [Streamlining Requirements for Organic Businesses] would require California Department of Public Health (CDPH) to move from a slow, inefficient paper-based registration and payment process for organic businesses, to an online system that will serve as a one-stop destination for California’s organic farming industry. Lastly, AB 406 [Healthy Soils & Farmland Conservancy Programs] would allow organic farmers whose management practices contribute to better land quality and result in greenhouse gas reductions to apply for grants from the Healthy Soils Program and California Farmland Conservancy Program – potentially bringing millions of new grant funding to organic farming projects throughout the state.
Oversight on Mobile Home Inspectors Strengthened in New Legislation by Assemblymember Connolly
Assembly Bill (AB) 319 closes conflict of interest loopholes identified by the California State Auditor
SACRAMENTO, CA – Today, Assemblymember Damon Connolly (D-San Rafael) highlighted the introduction of new legislation, Assembly Bill (AB) 319, which resolves inadequacies within the conflict of interest code that regulates the inspectors of mobile home parks. These loopholes were identified in a report published by the California State Auditor, which found that the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) did not require inspectors to report certain investments in mobile home park properties and failed to address these potential conflicts of interest when reviewing inspectors’ disclosure forms.
Assemblymember Connolly Announces Legislative & Budget Committee Assignments
Today, Assembly Speaker Rendon (D-Lakewood) announced the State Assembly’s Committee assignments. Assemblymember Damon Connolly (D-San Rafael) was appointed to the Committee on Utilities and Energy; the Committee on Judiciary; the Committee on Agriculture; the Committee on Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials; the Committee on Budget; Budget Subcommittee 3, and received the Vice-Chairmanship of the Joint Legislative Committee on Climate Change Policy.
Connolly’s New Bill Stops Pesticide Spraying along North Bay Highways
AB 99 requires Caltrans to respect resolutions passed by counties banning the roadside spraying of pesticides
SACRAMENTO, CA – Today Assemblymember Damon Connolly introduced Assembly Bill (AB) 99, which stops harmful pesticide usage on sensitive ecosystems along highways in counties that adopt official resolutions restricting the deployment of such chemicals.
Assemblymember Connolly Responds to Governor Newsom's Budget Proposal
Today, Assemblymember Damon Connolly (D-San Rafael) released the following statement in response to the release of Governor Gavin Newsom’s 2023-2024 State Budget proposal.
Assemblymember Connolly Authors Ban on Body Armor Used by Mass Shooters
AB 92 will restrict the sale & use of body armor to only public safety professionals
SACRAMENTO, CA – Today Assemblymember Damon Connolly introduced AB 92, which prohibits the sale of body armor in California except to law enforcement, military, and emergency services professionals.