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Assemblymember Connolly Introduces Bill to Reduce E-Bike Collisions

AB 1778 amends sections of the Vehicle Code pertaining to use of class 2 electric bicycles by Californians who are under the age of 16
SACRAMENTO, CA – Today, Assemblymember Damon Connolly (D-San Rafael) introduced a bill that will address the increasing rates of unsafe electric bicycle (e-bike) usage and collisions from children riding these vehicles at high speeds. AB 1778 will amend California’s Vehicle Code to prohibit individuals under the age of 16 from operating a class 2 e-bike and would ensure these vehicles are not sold if they can exceed the speeds of their class designation.

Bill Strengthening Enforcement of Flavored Tobacco Ban Signed into Law

The governor has signed AB 935, Assemblymember Connolly’s bill creating greater enforcement of the ban on flavored tobacco

SACRAMENTO, CA – Governor Gavin Newsom officially signed Assemblymember Damon Connolly’s (D-San Rafael) Assembly Bill (AB) 935, which explicitly authorizes the California Department of Health to enforce the flavored tobacco ban pursuant to the Stop Tobacco Access to Kids Enforcemen

Connolly’s Body Armor Restriction Bill Signed into Law

The governor has signed AB92, Asssemblymember Connolly’s bill prohibiting sale of body armor to convicted criminals.

Sacramento, CA – Today Governor Gavin Newsom signed Assemblymember Damon Connolly’s (D-San Rafael) Assembly Bill (AB) 92, which will keep military-grade body armor out of the hands of convicted criminals.

Assemblymember Connolly Sends Robust Bill Package to Governor’s Desk

Seven bills authored by Assemblymember Connolly pass through the State Legislature and await approval from the governor.

SACRAMENTO, CA – Assemblymember Damon Connolly (D-San Rafael) has passed seven of his authored Assembly Bills successfully through the State Legislature. These bills are now being considered by the governor, who has until the 14th of October to sign, approve, or veto each measure.

Assemblymember Connolly Sends Body Armor Restriction Bill to Governor’s Desk

AB 92 aims to update restrictions on body armor sale and use for anyone already ineligible to legally own a firearm.
SACRAMENTO, CA –  Assemblymember Damon Connolly (D-San Rafael) successfully passed Assembly Bill (AB) 92 out of the State Legislature. This bill will now head to Governor Gavin Newsom’s desk, where it will be considered to be officially signed into law. Should this bill be approved by the Governor, AB 92 will strengthen restrictions on purchases of body armor to ensure any individual who is already prohibited by California statute to possess a firearm cannot purchase or possess body armor. In recent years, violent criminals and perpetrators of mass shootings have increasingly used body armor, such as steel-plated bullet proof vests, to prolong violent rampages and gain an advantage on law enforcement. AB 92 serves to protect peace officers, emergency personnel, first responders, and community members who could become an innocuous bystander to an act of violence.

Connolly Passes Flavored Tobacco Ban Enforcement Bill Through Legislature

Assembly Bill 935 strengthens enforcement on the flavored tobacco ban law.
SACRAMENTO, CA –  Assemblymember Damon Connolly’s (D-San Rafael) Assembly Bill (AB) 935, which authorizes the California Department of Health and the Attorney General to better enforce the flavored tobacco ban pursuant to the Stop Tobacco Access to Kids Enforcement (STAKE) Act, has passed successfully through the State Legislature. The bill is now headed to the governor for approval. Senate Bill (SB) 793, which went into effect December of 2022, prohibits tobacco retailers from selling most flavored tobacco products. However, this law lacks sufficient enforcement to effectively enact the ban. Despite overwhelming support from voters for SB 793, flavored tobacco products continue to be sold in many stores across the state. As a result, teenagers in our community continue to have access to these dangerous products in spite of current regulations.

Assemblymember Connolly Sends Bill Streamlining Reporting Requirements for Organic Farmers to Governor’s Desk

AB 404 calls for an update to the redundancies in government agencies requiring reporting from organic farmers.
SACRAMENTO, CA –  Assemblymember Damon Connolly’s (D-San Rafael) bill requesting a reevaluation of the reporting requirements for organic farmers has passed successfully through the State Legislature, and is now headed to Governor Gavin Newsom for approval. If signed into law, Assembly Bill (AB) 404 will streamline the federal and state agencies to whom organic farmers must report, shifting the burden of reporting requirements away from individual businesses. This bill was drafted in response to duplicative reporting requirements that need to be evaluated for efficiency.